DIAS Technology Review
- Importance of the Ethnicity of First Generation Immigrants in Developing Marketing Strategies toServe Indian Diaspora in the USA
P. Raj Devasagayam, Jennifer Cummings - Relationship of Organizational Culture to Job Satisfaction, Personal Efficacy, Stress and Commitment – A Study of Associates of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC).
Anu Singh Lather, Sangeeta Mohan - Reliability and Cost-Benefit Analysis of 2-Out-of-3 Redundant Systems with General Distribution of Repair and Waiting Time
S. Chander, R.K. Bhardwaj - Mutual Information Based Image Registration: Approach Using Wavelet Decomposition
Asmita A. Moghe, Jyoti Singhai, S.C Shrivastav - Managing The Delivery of ‘Manufacture Processes’ in an Australian Regional Un Known for Excellence in E-Learning
David Ross, Harry Ku
Literature Review
- Impact of Foreign Institutional Investors on Underlying Stock Market: A Survey of the Existing Literature
B.S.Bodla, Ashish Garg
Book Reviews