DIAS Technology Review
- Analysis of Academically Dishonest Practices:An Exploratory Study of MBAs at an Institute of Management in India
Uday S. Tate, Avinash Waikar, Bob S. Brown, Suneel K. Maheshwari - The Integration of Oil Futures Contracts with Other Commodities
Mukesh K. Chaudhry, Ibrahim J. Affaneh, SuneelK. Maheshwari - The Man Who Sold Dead Mouse
Shivendra Kumar Pandey - Code Conversion by Mapping HDL & OOPS – Why & How
Deepak Jain - Measures of Perceived Credibility of Blogs: Construct Validation By LISREL
Uday S. Tate, Elizabeth Alexander, Suneel K. Maheshwari - Impact of Agency Effect on Corporate Performance: An Empirical Study
Srinivas Shirur - Empowerment as an Effective Instrument of Modern Organizations to Face the GlobalisedLiberalised Challenges: A Study
Shweta Nath Sidana
Book Reviews