DIAS Technology Review
- Measure of Distance and Similarity for Single Valued Neutrosophic Sets with Application in Multi-attribute Decision Making
Dr. Pratiksha Tiwari - Relationship Between Indian and US Stock Returns Before, During and After Financial Crisis
Dr. Mukesh Chaudhry, Dr. Suneel Maheshwari, Dr. Fred Slack - Comparative Analysis of Bankruptcy Prediction Models: An Indian Perspective
Dr. Sandeepa Kaur - SERVQUAL: A Multi-Dimensional Scale for Perceptual Measure of Service Quality in the Mobile Telecommunication Industry
Mr. Nishant Kumar - Telemedicine : Integrating ICT and Health Care System
Dr. (Ms.) Gurpreet Randhawa - Empirical Evaluation of values of servant leaders in ITES Sector
Ms. Sumedha Dutta
Doctoral Abstract