DIAS Technology Review 30th Issue
- Table of Contents
- Employability Skill Factors in Retail Vocational Education: An Empirical Analysis
*Dr. Pratiksha Tiwari, **Dr. N. Malati - Privacy Threats and Techniques to Secure Personal Data on Social Network
*Dr. Barkha Bahl, **Mr. Rahul Aggarwal - Service Quality and Behavioral Intention: The Mediating Effect of Satisfaction in Online Food Ordering Services
*Dr. Divya Mohan **Dr. Nishant Kumar - Test of Random Walk Hypothesis: A Study in Context of Indian Stock Market
*Dr Sonali Yadav - A Study of Business Networks in Pune Auto-component Cluster of India
*Dinesh Rawat, **Dr. R.K. Mittal, ***Dr.Vijita Singh Aggarwal - An Examination of ISO 9001 Certifications in the BRIC Countries
*Dr. Chris Luchs,**Dr. Suneel Maheshwari, ***Dr.Terrence J. Moran
Call for Papers