DIAS Technology Review 36th Edition
- Scenario Analysis of Human – Machine Learning in Industry
Mr. Mirza Rizwan - Emerging Market & Mobile Technology Usage: Evaluating intention to use Mobile Banking in India
Mr. Junaid, Dr. Fayaz Ahmad, Mr. Aarif Amin, Mr. Ishfaq Bashir - Solar Photovoltaic Technology: A Supplement to Sustainable Energy
Dr. Anju Batra - Simple Strategies for Avoiding Grade Inflation
Dr. Sekhar Anantharaman - Students’ and Teachers’ perception Towards Online Education: A Confirmatory Study
Dr. Pratiksha Tiwari, Dr. N Malati, Ms. Sonali Taneja - An analytical study of Competitiveness of Refractory Industry in India
Dr. Chandra Narain Maheshwari
Doctoral Abstract
- An Analytical Study of Competitiveness of Refractory Industry in India
Dr. Chandra Narain Maheshwari