DIAS Technology Review 31st Issue
- The Integration of Indian and US Stock Market Returns Before, During and After the Financial Crisis
Dr. Mukesh K Chaudhry, Dr. Rajendra Garg - Effect of Technology Trust, Self Efficacy and Technology Anxiety on Intention to Use Self Service Technology: A Study of e-ticketing Service of Indian Railways
Ms. Anureet Kaur - GST in India and Australia – A comparison
Dr. Geoffrey A. Tickell - Organizational Retrenchment & Downsizing Strategy: Panacea or Pain
Dr. Anju Batra - A Study of HRM Strategies with Special Reference to Managerial Effectiveness, Work Motivation, and Employee Engagement in Indian Insurance Companies
Urvashi Ghai Khosla - Feedback Trading by Institutional Investors in Indian Stock Market: An Analysis of Foreign and Domestic Institutional Investors
Dr. Kavita
Ph. D Abstract