DIAS Technology Review
- Effect of Mutual Funds (MFs) Investments and Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) Investments on the Indian Stock Market: An Empirical Analysis
Ms. Balwinder Kaur - A Comparative Analysis of Performance of Select 10 Banks Based on Camel Model
Ms. S Visalakshi, Dr. R.Kasilingam - Customer Based Brand Equity: A Factor Analytical Approach
Dr. Sangeeta Arora, Ms. Neha Naagar - Students’ Attitudes towards Developmental Mathematics
Ahmed Khago, Ashraf ELHoubi, Sami Shahin - An Empirical Evidence on the Factors Affecting Quality of Management Education in Punjab
Ms. Gitika Nagrath, Dr. Amarjit S. Sidhu
Doctoral Abstract
- A Study on the Impact of Declaration of Dividend in Automobile Industry
Dr. Parul Aggarwal