DIAS Technology Review
- Software Quality Prediction in Aspect-Oriented Software by Using Genetic Fuzzy System
Neeraj Juneja, Kamal Upreti - Relationship Between Locus of Control and MentalAccounting of An Individual with Respect to Investment in Gold and Gold ETFS
Dr. Shilpa Jain, Dr. Deepti Prakash - Impact of Employee Creativity on InterpersonalRelations: A Study of Managers Working in the National Capital Region, India
Prof. Anu Singh Lather, Prof. Vinay Kumar Nangia,Ms. Anju Dwivedi - Correlational Study of Individual Personality Differencesand Spirituality at Workplace
Dr. Puja Khatri, Pragya Gupta - Workplace Drug Testing: Benefits and Obstacles to Full Effectiveness
Donatus I. Amaram
Doctoral Abstract