DIAS Technology Review
- FDI Accounting in India and China: A Need for Harmonization
M. R. Shollapur, Suneel Maheshwari, UdayTate - Implications of Advances in Neuromarketing for Marketing Research
R Raj Devasagayam. Tara Maloney - Functional Ethos In Organizations: Validating The Framework
Avinash Kumar Srivastav - Customer Services in Banks at Crossroads: An Empirical Analysis
R.K. Uppal - The Role of Individual User Characteristics in Influencing ERP System Implementation Success
Sharath Sasidharan - The Impact of Website Design on B2C E-Commerce Trust – An Empirical Study
Sharath Sasidharan, Suneel Maheshwari, Ganga Dhanesh
Book Reviews