Research at DIAS aims at the advancement of knowledge to improve the management practices & IT skills and development of teaching materials & case studies. The faculty spends considerable amount of time on research activities.
DIAS Times
The Institute is regularly bringing out its own Quarterly News Letter – cum – Journal “DIAS Times” incorporating information about the activities at the Institute, research articles and the latest developments in the fields of Information Technology and Management.
94 issues of DIAS Times have been released till date. The 95th issue is in print
DIAS Technology Review
The Institute has a unique distinction of publishing a bi-annual International journal DIAS Technology Review – The International Journal for Business and IT. The Editorial Board comprises of eminent persons from all over the globe. It is a refereed journal containing well-researched articles in diverse fields written by eminent academicians & professionals across the globe. The journal is listed in the Cabell’s Directory, USA, Social Science Research Network (SSRN) & Ulrich’s Periodical Directory.
35 issues of DIAS Technology Review have been released till date. The 36th issue of the journal is in press.
Dr. S. N. Maheshwari
Chief Editor
Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies
Plot No. 6, Sector- 25
Rohini, Delhi- 110085
Shri Sanjay Sachdeva
Sachdeva Public School
Sector 13, Rohini, New Delhi, Delhi 110085
Dr. Anju Batra
Asst. Editor
Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies
Plot No. 6, Sector- 25
Rohini, Delhi- 110085;
National Conferences:
- Techno Tryst 2012
- Techno Tryst 2013
- “Contemporary Issues in Management for IndiaInc” 2012
- “Innovation, Performance and Sustenance: New Age Drivers for Organizational Excellence” 2013
- “Organizational Re-engineering: New Age Tool for Competitive Advantage” 2014
- Techno Tryst 2014
- International Conference “Progressing towards Responsible Economy: Issues and Perspectives”
- National Seminar Techno Tryst 2015: Innovations And Challenges Of Information Technology
- National Conference “Mantra For 21stcentury Managers: Initiate, Innovate And Integrate”
- National seminar “Techno Tryst 2016: Digital India: Technological Leaps For Developing Smart Cities”
- International Conference “Global Transformations: Unleash, Augment And Reinforce”
- National Seminar “Techno Tryst 2017: Digital Transformation: Computational And Technological Advancements”
- National Conference 2018 “Augmenting Competencies and Strengthening Organizational Strategies: Vision India”
- National Seminar -Techno Tryst 2018: “New India and Digital Revolution: Impact on Economy, Society & Business”
- National Seminar 2019 “Quality Enhancement And Employability In Higher Education Institutions: A Holistic Approach”
- National Conference 2019 “Achieving Business Excellence Through Sustainability And Innovation
DIAS Alumni Association Directory
DIAS has an association of its alumni which have regular interaction with the students of the Institute. DIAS also brings out an Alumni Directory regularly updated, with brief details of its alumni.
Eleven issues of the DIAS Alumni Directory have already been published.
Proceedings in Research & Publication Section
The Institute has also taken initiative to get published the proceedings of various Seminars/Conferences held at the Institute. Following are some of the publications.
Faculty Publications
Faculty at DIAS regularly undertakes Research in various disciplines which is published in National and International Journals of repute. Following is the list of latest Faculty Publications viz. Research Papers, Books, and Conference Papers. These are listed in SCOPUS, Web of Science, ABDC and UGC Care list to name a few:
- Research Papers 2014-2020
- Research Papers 2020-2021
- Research Papers 2021-2022
- Books and Conference Papers 2014-2020
- Books and Conference Papers 2020-2021
- Books and Conference Papers 2021-2022