Library & Book Bank
The Institute has an excellent, well-stocked library having more than 23,000 books with over 7100 titles and almost 10,600 E-Books from EBSCO & DELNET. 1704Journals & E-Journals are also available in the field of Management for ready reference to all concerned. The E-Journals are available on EBSCO, DELNET & SAGE platform.
The library is well equipped with Reference Books, Periodicals, Research Reports and Magazines of International standards in the area of Management and General Education. The project works of all the recently passed out batches of MBA are available in the library for the ready reference of the students.
To enhance information resources, the Institute has also undertaken institutional membership of National Digital Library, EBSCO,DELNET, EPWRF & IGI Global. All the Students and Faculty can access the E-resources available on EBSCO& EPWRFfrom any computer within the Campus. The login details for EBSCO, National Digital Library, Sage, EPWRF& DELNET are available on the Library Notice Board. Further, most of the activities of the library have been computerized. OPAC provides the facility of searching, browsing, and reserving physical materials available in the library.
Book Bank
Book bank facility is also provided by the library, where books can be issued for 3 months. : Library-WEBOPAC :
Rare Books
Millions of books, pamphlets, magazines, newspapers, and broadsides have been published since the invention of printing more than five hundred years ago. Only a small portion of these pieces, however, would be considered “rare” by specialists. In simple terms, books achieve a degree of rarity only when demand exceeds supply. The most essential factor in determining rarity is the book’s intrinsic importance, or how important the book is considered to be in its field. Only books with some acknowledged importance will have a consumer demand that creates market value and a sense of rarity. The library of the institute is housing 124 rare books downloaded from the Rare Books Society of India and is having vast knowledge resources for library enrichment. The Rare Book Society of India is the first of its kind – it is a virtual space for rare book collectors and history buffs to read, discuss, rediscover and download lost books. Sourcing from digital libraries such as The Internet Archive, Google Books and the online collections of various museums around the world and shows each piece as a part of a grander whole. Covering broad and diverse areas such as Spoken English, developing presentation skills, verbal ability, Diversity in countries, India’s contribution to management, art of public speaking, Education and power, improving self identity, sacred writings, religious texts based on sufism, General Identity roles, Family values, tips to lead a successful life, cracking interviews, Economic history of India etc.