DIAS Technology Review
- An Empirical Test of Fundamental Analysis in India
Christopher Luchs, Suneel K. Maheshwari, Mark Myring - A Case Study of Acquisition of Spice Communications by Idea Cellular Limited
Hamendra Kumar Porwal, Ankur Gupta, Anchal Khaneja - Mapping Career Aspirations to Combat Attrition: AStudy of Leading Multi National BPO Operating in India
ShaliniGarg, Shilpa Jain - An Empirical Study of Employer Branding in InformationTechnology Companies
N Malati, PratikshaTiwari, Ruchika Sharma - Trade Openness, Exports and Economic GrowthRelationship in India: An Econometric Analysis
Rajwant Kaur. Amarjit Singh Sidhu - Corporate Governance-A Tool for Effective FinancialReporting & Control
S.N. Maheshwari
Doctoral Abstract
- Labour Legislation on Working Conditions forCompetitive Advantage
Tapomoy Deb - Buying Behaviour of Consumers with Respect toDurable Products: A Case Study of PersonalComputers
Book Reviews